Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Daily update 3

Yay! Three days in a row now I've updated daily! I'm so happy with my progress, for all I know it's all utter crap but it's being written and at this point that's the main thing.

Just on a personal note I want to say, I'm Sorry. If anyone reads this (at all) and knows anything about Australian Politics, they'll know what this is about. If not... google it.



Now back to our regularly scheduled programing.

Before the wars Rome was distinctive from other modern cities because it existed amongst the ruins of it’s glorious past; now it was all ruin. Jacob remembered his mother talking about her honeymoon there. She’d talked about how beautiful it was but how depressing it must be to live there, with ancient crumbling buildings on every side. It occurred to Jacob that he knew how those Romans must have felt.

They flew over the city, the Pantheon, the Coliseum, The Imperial palace; even the lesser known but no less important sites of Rome, the Piazza Novona, the little twisting streets with their coffee houses. It was all gone. It wasn’t even a crater it was just rubble, less than rubble. Jacob didn’t know what had happened here, it must have taken place towards the end when Melbourne was too far embroiled in its own affairs to know what was happening elsewhere. Communication became so difficult towards the end that there was no-way of even knowing what was and wasn’t real.

Jacob focused his eyes and his thoughts on the horizon, waiting for Vatican city to appear. He understood that the small city had a defence system every bit as advanced as the one that had protected Melbourne, apparently the coffers of the Catholic Church had been drained. Their resources clearly hadn’t been enough to extend the protection they purchased for themselves to the larger city around them.

Next ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very creative,I like it.