Thursday, March 13, 2008


I'm closing the blog. I don't think anyone is reading anyway and even if they are, they shouldn't be. This work is not yet ready to be revealed and allowing people to read it before I've finished it is not doing it any good. I won't be posting any more of my work here. I will continue to write and when I get published, if the blog still exists, I'll put up a post to advise. If I'm going to be a writer then that's what I need to focus on, not on getting people to read my blog.

Apologies to anyone who was reading the story and enjoying it.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

1st roll of the dice

For the first installment of this story follow this link...

For the previous installment of this story follow this link ...

Today's installment.

Walking into the meeting room he was determined not to let his trepidation show, but when he looked around he saw that he needn’t have bothered. The other officers were clearly worried about what the oncoming night would bring. Some of them were seated at small tables; others stood waiting to present their list of available parts to the Colonel. Jacob joined the small line of Officers and when he deposited his list he sat at one of the small tables. When the last of the lists had been presented, the Colonel and the engineer reviewed them. The Officers watched them, the slightest shift of body language would be enough. The slight droop of the shoulders and a more apparent stiffening of the spine, they would have to fight. Without a word being uttered they knew what the outcome had been. The parts needed were not available, they would not be returning to the ship come nightfall.

For the next installment .... coming soon

Thursday, March 06, 2008


The computer is BACK! I will be updating tomorrow, and I can't wait! I'm so excited to get back into it again. A big HELLO! to my lovely Dad, the legend who fixed the fritzing computer.

And now for something different!

I had some feedback from a friend who read the blog, he said that he wasn't able to leave a comment (because he doesn't have an account) and that he found it difficult to find the beginning of any of the stories.

Thankfully these are things I can do something about. I've edited all previous posts so that they start with a link to the post that has the start of their story and a link to the previous post (just in case you missed yesterday's) and will end with a link to the next post of that story (if there is one).

Also this post comes complete with links to the first post of all my stories!

I hope this helps :-)

After the War - this is a fantasy novel I'm working on, the premise is that the wars destroyed significant monuments that were holding the gates between our world and hell closed. Essentially it's not until after the wars that hell really does break lose.

Snippet - this is in the fantasy genre again and was just an idea that I was toying with. I was thinking about developing these characters and this world into something more but didn't have any real ideas about how. So I've not done anything with it.

Ghost Town - I worked on this for a while but in the end didn't care enough about the characters to make it work. It was supposed to be about a woman who moves to a town that is cursed to become a ghost town, by the time she believes the curse is real it's too late and she and her daughter are both marked for death. So the only way she can save her daughter is to break the curse.

Questions or When Cliche's are True - This is a short story that was just an exploration on my part for how each person's unique experience is in fact not unique at all.

And that's all!

So now I'm off to amend all the other posts to make your reading easier. :-)

Friday, February 29, 2008

Technical Difficulties

I'm sorry but it looks like my 'puter is still fritzed after all. Hopefully I'll get it sorted out soon.

Technical Difficulties

I'm Sorry. To all of the strong silent types out there (and I imagine there are at least a thousand of you) who have been following my story, but not leaving comments, I am truly sorry for my absence over the past week. It has not been my fault. My computer died, or perhaps it was just a nervous breakdown as it's now back with me and doing fine, so I have not had the ability to add to my story or even tell my devoted readers what's been happening. I hope you forgive me and continue to read the story. Now that I have my 'puter back I will be updating today and from now on daily, as promised.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Daily update 8

Another update, but just a small one tonight cause I'm a bit tired and couldn't really be bothered. This is just a bit of a transition between scenes and a bit more character development for Jacob.

Here we go...

First ...

Previous ...

For the next ten minutes Angus went over their plane while Jacob followed him taking notes of all the parts they could go without and still make the flight back to the ship in safety. Jacob was amazed at how many parts they had to spare, but he still couldn’t help feel that none of it was going to make any difference. The soldier mentality was good for many things and one of them was maintaining a façade of indifference when feeling overwhelming pessimism. Jacob was not ashamed of being pessimistic; he had often credited it for his survival. If you always expected the worst you always prepared for it. Amy had often teased him by saying that he should have been a boy scout with his “always be prepared” attitude. As much she might tease him it was an attitude that had served him well, until now.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Daily update 7

Another day, another 300 words... what, it's only supposed to be 100? Wow, well does that mean I can take 3 days off? No? Ok well... here's your special large post anyway! I really wish there was someone reading this, I'm starting to feel like a bit of a tool.

First ...

Previous ...

Before Jacob departs the plane his Company of troops march out the rear of the carrier and secure the perimeter with the other troops, change “As soon as the plane touched the ground” to “As soon as the perimeter was secure” and change “The four of them went over the plane” to “It was an anxious wait as Angus and the pilot went over the plane”

With the news of his own plane Jacob went to the centre of the secured area to join the other Captains and the Colonel in a debrief in the centre of the secured area.
“Captain, what’s your condition report?”
“She has a few dents and scratches sir but she’s airworthy.”
“Good news then”
“Yes sir”
“Have your engineer items all of your spare and expendable parts, including fuel reserves. Not all of our planes had your luck unfortunately.”
“Yes sir”

Captain Bonham of D company approached then accompanied by a Swiss Guardsman, “Sir, the perimeter is secure and they’ve set up a meeting room for our use.”
“Excellent, Captain Clark see to that list we’ll have a full situation report in approximately 30mins at 1300 hrs.”
“Yes Sir”

Jacob marched back to his plane where his Lieutenant, Kyte, and Engineer, Angus, were waiting for him. There was none of the friendly camaraderie of the night before, today it was all serious and all business.
“Some of the other planes were damaged we need to keep the perimeter secure and establish exactly what we have on hand that can be used to get other planes back up in the air.”
“Yes Sir” both of the other men answered
“Lieutenant Peterson, see to the company and ensure the security of the perimeter.”
“Yes sir” Kyte didn’t wait for anything further, he had his orders and he knew what to do.
“Captain Marsden, I’ll need your services as Company Engineer. We need to establish exactly what this plane can do without, including any fuel reserves we may have that could be spared. We have half an hour.”
“Yes sir”

Next ....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Daily update 6

Here I am again and despite the fact that NO-ONE is reading this and the fact that I went to my sisters house for dinner tonight, I have STILL kept my promise and written another 100+ words tonight! Yes, thankyou, I think I'm bloody brilliant too!

First ...

Previous ...

But Jacob couldn’t let his shock overcome him for long. Why they’d decided to open was irrelevant now, all that was important now was getting to the ground as quickly as possible, assessing the damage and hoping to god that it wasn’t bad enough to prevent them from getting back to the ship before nightfall. As soon as the plane touched the ground Jacob was out the door and on the ground the pilot, Kyte and Angus not far behind him. The four of them went over the plane, checking the engines, the armour, the intake valves, landing gear, everything. When everything checked out ok, there was a moment of relief so strong that Jacob was sure he wasn’t the only one there who could taste it, but it was short lived. Before there could be any real relief they needed to make sure the other planes were ok as well.

Next ...