Thursday, July 26, 2007


This is just a Snippet of something I've been working on... No firm plans as yet for what it will be, it's more like I'm just brainstorming it at the moment. I'm still working on the other story but I thought I'd post this since I've written it.

Riddis prettily stamped her foot and pouted, Riddis did everything prettily and stamping her foot and pouting was no exception.
‘Edhard, you must do it!’
‘No he doesn’t’
‘Stay out of this Adaline, I’m not talking to you.’
‘The elders told you to do it Riddis,’ Edhard responded, he didn’t mind breaking the rules when necessary but on this occasion it was clear he didn’t feel it was necessary. It made no difference, Riddis was used to getting her own way and would not be swayed.
‘Don’t be silly Edhard, the elders only asked me to do it because it was one of their tests. Everybody knows that at the beginning of time when the spirits were divided into male and female, taking out the garbage was assigned as a male job.’ This was one of Riddis's favourite arguments for getting Edhard to do things she didn't like doing, and Adaline and Edhard had both grown tired of telling her it was ridiculous.

Adaline snorted causing Riddis to look at her in disgust, ‘what a charming noise Adaline’
‘Well I’m sorry if I can’t be as charming as you are, stamping your foot and pouting because you Edhard won’t do your job and dispose of the garbage. What a pity you’ll fail yet another test set for you by the elders.’
‘I will not fail again! I know what I’m supposed to do and if Edhard would just co-operate it would be done already.’
‘I don’t think that’s how the elders wanted you to accomplish your task actually.’
‘Really and how do you think they wanted me to “accomplish my task then”?’
Adaline laughed and shook her head, ‘Oh no, I’m not going to let you goad me into doing it for you!’

Riddis huffed and turned back to Edhard, ‘Please Edhard, I hate taking out the garbage. It’s so dirty and filthy and gross’
Edhard sighed and stood up, ‘Alright I’ll do it, but it’s not because I believe you about it being a boys job.’
‘Thank you Edhard, I won’t forget this!’
‘I know, I’m sure you’ll remember it every time you get asked by the elders to empty the rubbish bins.’
Riddis didn’t answer, only smiled up at him. Edhard heaved another sigh.
‘I don’t know why it bothers you anyway, it’s not like you have to touch it.’
She wrinkled her nose, ‘I know but I just don’t like it following me like that, I’m convinced that last time I smelt bad for a week.’
‘Maybe that’s why the elders ask you to do it.’ Adaline volunteered, ‘so you’ll finally bother to learn how to transport things without having them follow you around.’
‘I’m sure that has nothing to do with it, there’s nothing wrong with moving something by having it follow you.’

Adaline shrugged, but even as she did so a hollow voice echoed through hall, the elders were calling.
‘Riddis, child, we would speak with thee.’
Riddis huffed out of the hall just as Edhard returned to the table where they had been sitting supervising the potatoes as they shed their skins.
‘You really need to stop letting her push you around you know.’
Edhard shrugged, ‘it’s better than the alternative.’
Adaline laughed, ‘well, you better just hope the elders don’t decide to set you a task.’

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