Thursday, March 06, 2008


The computer is BACK! I will be updating tomorrow, and I can't wait! I'm so excited to get back into it again. A big HELLO! to my lovely Dad, the legend who fixed the fritzing computer.

And now for something different!

I had some feedback from a friend who read the blog, he said that he wasn't able to leave a comment (because he doesn't have an account) and that he found it difficult to find the beginning of any of the stories.

Thankfully these are things I can do something about. I've edited all previous posts so that they start with a link to the post that has the start of their story and a link to the previous post (just in case you missed yesterday's) and will end with a link to the next post of that story (if there is one).

Also this post comes complete with links to the first post of all my stories!

I hope this helps :-)

After the War - this is a fantasy novel I'm working on, the premise is that the wars destroyed significant monuments that were holding the gates between our world and hell closed. Essentially it's not until after the wars that hell really does break lose.

Snippet - this is in the fantasy genre again and was just an idea that I was toying with. I was thinking about developing these characters and this world into something more but didn't have any real ideas about how. So I've not done anything with it.

Ghost Town - I worked on this for a while but in the end didn't care enough about the characters to make it work. It was supposed to be about a woman who moves to a town that is cursed to become a ghost town, by the time she believes the curse is real it's too late and she and her daughter are both marked for death. So the only way she can save her daughter is to break the curse.

Questions or When Cliche's are True - This is a short story that was just an exploration on my part for how each person's unique experience is in fact not unique at all.

And that's all!

So now I'm off to amend all the other posts to make your reading easier. :-)

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